object ScrShotForm: TMEScrShotForm ActiveControl = ContinueBtn Message = 'Screenshot Configuration' MinWidth = 0 OnAction = 'madExcept.HandleScreenshotForm' Timer = 250 object ContinueBtn: INVButton Caption = 'Continue' Enabled = True NoOwnerDraw = False Visible = True end object SkipBtn: INVButton Caption = 'Skip' Enabled = False NoOwnerDraw = False Visible = True end object CancelBtn: INVButton Caption = 'Cancel' Enabled = True NoOwnerDraw = False Visible = True end object AttachCheck: INVCheckBox Caption = 'attach a screenshot to the bug report' Checked = True Enabled = True OutputName = '' Spacing = 0 end object ScrShotImg: INVImage Border = True Clickable = True Enabled = True File = '' Height = 0 Spacing = 0 Width = 0 end object Label1: INVLabel Caption = '(click to edit image)' Enabled = True Spacing = 0 end end